West Chester Rustin Football 2024 Season
Physicals- All players must get a physical for the 2024/2025 school year. Physicals MUST be dated June 1, 2024 or later. If possible, I would like all players to have their physicals completed before the end of July.
Mini Camp- We will be starting our 17 th annual spring mini camp on the following:
Dates will be Skill players 5/30, & 6/1 6:30 - 8:30pm. Team practice 6/6, 6/7, 6/8– practice will run from 6:30 - 8:00pm (high school only)
August Camp- Football practice begins Monday, August 5th. Please do not schedule any vacations, trips, etc. from this date on. This is mandatory for any player who wants to participate on the Rustin Varsity/JV Football team. We have a game on Labor Day weekend and we will also be practicing Monday morning (September 4th). Dates and times are to be announced
Off-Season Conditioning Program- All players are expected to participate in our strength training program.
Jan thru May-any athlete who is not participating in a spring sport should report to the Weight Room
Monday & Wednesday 6:15-7:30 pm
Saturday 10:00-11:30 am
June thru August – Players are expected to commit to the weight room a minimum of 4 days per week.
A speed & conditioning camp will also run simultaneously
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00-11:00 am
7/7 Passing scrimmages- TBA
Attendance Policy: Football teaches many life lessons. Hard work, dedication, and discipline are 3 of the top lessons to be learned. It is crucial for players to understand the importance of being at practice on time every day.
All players will be at every practice rain or shine.
If a player is at school, the player will be at practice.
If a player gets sick at school or a problem arises, the player must see or call the Head Coach before they go home. Otherwise, it will be an unexcused absence.
All players will be on time and prepared to practice every day.
All excused absences from practice must be pre-approved (at least a day ahead of time) by the Head Coach.
Any team member, who needs extra academic assistance after school, must have prior approval before being excused from any practice. Approval will be granted only after a signed note from the assisting teacher is presented to the Head Coach. Upon return to practice, the athlete requires a signed & timed note.
Players who miss practice (for any reason) will need to stay after practice to make up for missed conditioning. This is not punishment! We have to stay in shape.
Unexcused Late for Practice: (remember all excuses must be pre-approved)
1st offense = Won’t Start
2nd offense= Sit out 1 Quarter
3rd offense= Sit out 1 half
4th offense= Subject to Head Coach Decision
5th offense= Cut from team
Unexcused Absence: (remember, all excuses must be pre-approved)
1st offense= Sit out 1st Quarter
2nd offense= Sit Game
3rd offense= Subject to Head Coach Decision
4th offense= Cut from Team
Examples of last-minute excused absences: Death in the family, etc.
Communication Players, Coaches, and Parents: No discussions will take place after a game or practice. If there is an issue or concern, players must first talk with their position coach. If the issue was not resolved, the player must talk with the head coach. If the issue was not resolved after the player spoke with his position coach and head coach, parents can call the head coach at school and set up a conference. All conferences will take place at Rustin High School.
Topics that will not be discussed at conferences: Scheme or play calling/ other players/ coaching decisions
Playing Time (PT): Playing time is determined by a combination of 2 factors: 1. ability 2. hard work.
A player that is always lazy and misses practice will not play. A player who always works hard but cannot get the job done will not play. Not all players automatically play in a game. Players have to be able to get the job done. At the varsity level, we play to win the game. No player will receive playing time based on anything other than ability and hard work. No player will receive preferential treatment. Our goal is to try to get as many players on the field as possible.
Travel: All athletes must travel and return with the team. Exceptions will be made if the player receives prior approval from the head coach. Players with prior approval must be seen leaving with their parent by the head coach/asst. coach. No player is permitted to leave with another player’s parents. This is a district policy that is a liability issue.
Conduct: All team members are expected to act as perfect role models and citizens. Inappropriate language, swearing, obscene gestures, and fighting will not be permitted at any time. Athletes who break team rules of conduct will be subject to suspension and/or dismissal from the team at the head coach/athletic director’s discretion.
Locker Room: Only Rustin football players are permitted in the locker room. All team members are responsible for keeping their lockers and the locker room clean. All equipment issued should be stored and hung up properly in the player’s locker. NO fighting, horseplay, inappropriate behavior, etc. will be permitted in the locker room. Hazing will not be tolerated. WCASD policy will be enforced.
Social Media- school district policy will be enforced